On the internet it goes by #FHRITP. The Wikipedia definition is: "The act of shouting the eponymous phrase in public, most notably interrupting outside broadcast television reports. It became popular in early 2014 after a television reporter allegedly made a statement about a missing woman on live TV ending off with "F**k her right in the pussy", which purportedly got him fired. The quote got further attention after a man allegedly screamed the phrase during two live broadcasts on Cincinnati TV stations WLWT and WKRC-TV. However, all of the clips were actually hoaxes made by a video producer."
On Sunday, May 10th, the bit officially become beyond old.

Shauna Hunt who is a reporter for CITY-TV in Toronto, called out the knuckleheads who ambushed her broadcast. The local idiots made the cardinal sin by stopping to talk to her and exposing their low IQ to a television audience. The station knows video gold when they see it and have it posted on their website.
Normally, a reporter's reaction is to cut the live broadcast, apologize to the viewer and hope the video does not become a video immortalization online. The tide turned long ago, but only now are people fighting back. A Calgary bar owner interviewed about that other sports and alcohol form of harassment, shot back in the name of common decency.
CITY-TV has long been the target of this in Toronto because they go live more than any other station, especial during the FIFA World Cup. On two occasions last year, multi-ethnic Toronto provided two instances of over-refreshed misbehaviour. It is only fitting that a soccer game was again the setting for the alcohol fueled indiscretion over the weekend.
Media have had difficulty reigning in the behaviour because they have misidentified the motif: It is not an attack on women; it is not about the reporter. It is an attack on the mainstream media and common decency. As many male reporters as female have had their broadcasts interrupted; the vulgarity borrowed from the initial video which catered to the lowbrow. But without question, it is harassment and it leaves an indelible mark on women.

The perpetrators are male 98% of time; numbers akin to drunken sports fans who run on the field. Two important protocols go into place when that happens: (1) The person is charged with a crime. (2) The crime is not broadcast. While it is difficult for broadcasters to keep to video off the internet, it is not beyond reach to charge these people with public indecency or harassment.
Broadcast airwaves are public domain and deliberately yelling a profane expression like this is enough to get one charged.
It only takes ONE person to be charged and this becomes a thing of the past. Now, who will be the first to report this crime to their local authorities?