The WWE taught me a lot about show business, branding and creating a successful broadcast. Just about everything you need to know about broadcasting is contained in a WWE TV show.
As an example, one of the greatest things I learned was that the entrance is key. Whether you have ever watched the WWE before or not, you know EXACTLY who the wrestling character is from the entrance. I'll use Shawn Michaels as an example:
Through a recent leak that was published on Reddit, it is clear that Vince McMahon has spent a little time with Valerie Geller or her books. Vince himself was an announcer during the WWE's great ascension in the 1980's and is most qualified to write this guide for his company.

Anyone who has worked with me knows I love WWE and have preached its many of the items found in this unofficial WWE announcers guide. My favourites are posted and I have highlighted in red the one that is the most important to having a successful broadcast career:
Interaction between the broadcasters: "Play by play announcers need to set up Color Commentary"
"Assist the audience in clearly understanding storylines."
"Announcers cannot be emasculated by their broadcast partners. If the play by play person loses their credibility then why should the audience believe the play by play people? It is imperative that the audience do believe. Telling one's partner that they are "ill-informed" is much better than telling them that they are "an idiot."
"Announcers should rarely lead ours fans. Let them decide for themselves if they like a Superstar or dislike him."
"Announcers ARE NOT THE STARS. It's not about them, it's about the Superstars. The announcer's job is to enhance THE SUPERSTARS stories. To help our fans learn more about the characters and develop emotional attachments to them. If announcers focus too much on "US" it takes away from the valuable time in which we could be bringing our current stars or stars of the future. Fans do not buy tickets to see announcers."
"All announcers must read all week."
"Do your homework. An announcer should never, ever do a show in which they have not done research on.
"Announcers should critique themselves. They should watch a replay of their shows. They should be their own worst, most nit-picky critics."
"Listen to other Announcers and styles. WE ARE ALWAYS LEARNING."
"Whenever possible it is important to know exactly what you are throwing to and coming out of. What is the first thing that fans will hear when you are done talking? Knowing this makes for better segues and will make your work better."