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  • Writer's pictureMatt Cundill

The Return of Charles Adler

Updated: Mar 17, 2021

adler cundill podcast

Charles Adler has made his way back to Corus Radio, the place he spent nearly a decade doing a national radio show from 2004 to 2013. When the show came to an end in 2013, he worked locally in Winnipeg at CJOB before departing for Vancouver.

He spent a year working at Sirius/XM Radio, on a show that was more conversational and less phone-driven. There's a moment in this podcast where he wonders if not being as active on the phones skewed his ability to see what was going on in the U.S. presidential race.

Charles also tells us who the best radio personality is in Canada, what makes terrestrial radio great, and how the media mishandled the U.S. election. I had the luxury of working with Charles for a number of years and if it sounds like we are catching up, it's because it's been a year. If you are looking for the reasons behind his departure from Corus in 2015, you won't find them in this podcast. The building where he worked saw roughly 80 people let go over the course of a few years, and the reasons are consistent with most restructuring in the industry. This was one marriage that needed a break.

You can listen to Charles nightly on these stations, and I will add to the list as the affiliate list grows.

CKNW 980AM - Vancouver

630 CHED - Edmonton

QR77 - Calgary

680 CJOB - Winnipeg

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Recently, Charles received a Lifetime Achievement Award Radio Television Digital News Association in 2017 on the month of May. He also has changed his political views as being a conservationist and now labels himself as a centrist.


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