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Should You Transcribe Your Podcast?
In the 6 years since we started a podcast, there has been a total of one (1) request for a transcription of an episode. That was the...

Soundcloud? Anchor? Free is Never Free
I see these questions every day in Facebook groups: "Should I use Anchor? How about Soundcloud?" Instead of typing out the reasons into...

The History of My Podcast Stats
I started this podcast back in 2016 just to see what would happen. I used Soundcloud as my podcast host and bought a one year unlimited...

Radio Lessons from The Bachelor
Yes. That’s right. The Bachelor. I completely understand if you want to turn your nose up at this show and critique its narrow artistic...

Podcasts Made by Radio
The following are examples of podcasts that are created by radio (stations or personalities) that extend beyond the airwaves. To qualify...

The Podcast Celebrates Its First Birthday
The Sound Off Podcast celebrated its first birthday with the completion of Episode 52. Since its inception, the podcast about broadcast...

Mapping Radio's Future
Over the last few weeks, there have been significant data releases involving radio, audio, podcast and technology. You can access part or...

Bonus Blog: U.S. Election Redux
I don't have time to sit around and be everyone's therapist on social media when it comes to the U.S. election results. So many of the...

Happy New Year! Summer is Over!
The unofficial start to our new year is actually the Monday after Labour Day. Kids head back to school, and families go back to their...

The Podcast Movement is Indeed a Thing
I spent last week in Chicago at the Podcast Movement. A little under a year ago, I was going fishing with my cousin, Kingman Gordon who...

Update from Head Office
I am looking forward to the next few weeks which will be full of meeting great people, working on projects and having conversations about...

The Importance of Responding to your Listeners
My first day in radio was a Sunday morning in a 50,000 person market. I was nervous but excited to get on the air and crank out those...

Andrew Wilcox on Fleeing the Fort McMurray Fires.
Andrew Wilcox is the program director at Cruz 100.5 in Fort McMurray. He tells the story of what it is was like to run the station while...

Jumping Into Voiceover
Up until two years ago, I had worked inside a radio station since I was 18 years old; most recently as a program director. I had always...

The Taxi Industry Needs a History Lesson
[Note: This was originally written for back on May 3rd] The first industry to feel the effects of the digital revolution was...

Binge Watching
I was invited on the Radio NL morning show to discuss the new phenomenon of Binge Watching, which has hit an all time high according to...

NPR Decision Shows You Need Not Promote Everything in the Digital Toy Box
All too common: You worry about the time and effort you put into social media versus the on air product. It's hard not to feel beaten...

A Visit With the Millennials.
Last week I had the joy of speaking to high schoolers about the history of radio. With all presentations, I like to conclude by asking...

Two Studies on Radio Listening Should Have You Reconsidering How You Broadcast.
Two recent studies about people's media consumption habits show that while radio listening is still strong, behaviour is shifting. One...

Why Bother with Digital?
Last month I conducted a digital session with two medium market stations. (One country and one news) Each session participant receives my...

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